Admission Criteria

Registration for Classes Play-way to 9th and 11th starts from the month of December to March.

The new session will commence from the First week of April.

  • Admission for Classes Play-way, Nursery, LKG and UKG is on the basis of FIRST come FIRST serve
  • Admission for the Classes I to III will be on the basis of interview.
  • Entrance tests and interview will be conducted for classes IV to IX, subject to the seats available. Entrance test of subjects ( English, Math, Hindi or Punjabi)will be conducted.

Note: There is no direct admission for classes 10 and 12.

For further queries related to 10th and 12 classes admission, kindly visit C.B.S.E website


According to NEP (New Education Policy 2020)

  • Play way : 2.3+ years
  • Nursery : 3+ years
  • Lkg : 4+ years
  • Ukg : 5+ years
  • Class  l : 6+ years

Admission/Registration fee and other charges once paid will not be refunded on any account whatsoever.

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Rouge Waves Soap

Rouge Waves Soap

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Michael Santos

Michael Santos

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